Flight Crew Training - Cabin Crew Training - Aviation Subject Courses

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Flight Crew Training - Cabin Crew Training - Aviation Courses

About our trainings & courses

HATS highly experienced training Captains and company’s personnel, can guarantee the Quality of Services and support airline companies on their demands, for the best training experience and efficiency of services, of their Flight Crew and Cabin Crew members. Individual commercial – airline pilots and Cabin Crew members, can benefit guidance, self assurance and confidence on their career in the challenging world of Aviation Transportation Business.
Flight Crew Training - Cabin Crew Training - Aviation Courses

Flight Crew Training Courses

HATS, as an EASA ATO and a former TRTO, is specialized on Aircraft Type Ratings training courses and services, such as:

Initial Type Ratings Training

Cross Crew Qualification

Differences Courses

TRI (A) | SFI (A)

TRE (A) | SFE (A).

Renewals | Re-validations

Zero Flight Time & Base Training

Cabin Crew Training Courses

HATS – the First Cabin Crew Training Organization, approved and registered, by the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority (HCAA) under the regulations of EASA – provides the best quality of training courses and services, for Flight Attendants and Cabin Crew members, such as:

Initial Safety Training

Cabin Crew Instructor

Optional Courses

Aviation Subject Courses

CRM Initial Course

CRM for Instructors

Dangerous Goods

Quality Systems & Auditors

SMS Course

English Language Proficiency

First Aid Training

Low Visibility Operation (LVO)

Aviation Services

Flight and Cabin Crew Conversion & Recurrent Training for contracted Airline Companies upon request

Pilots’ Selection Procedure

Cabin Crew Selection Procedure

For more information about our services please contact us.