CRM for Instructors

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Crew Resource Management for Instructors (CRMI)

About the course

The Crew Recourse Management for Instructors course allows you to practice teaching techniques for an effective and motivating CRM Course. The course focuses on how to organize a lesson, how to efficiently adapt the training delivery, and how to evaluate the trainees.

Who should attend

CRM professionals
Pilots and cabin crew
Flight instructors
Safety managers

Course Objectives

Through theory and practice exercises, this course prepares you to:

  • Establish an efficient CRM training program
  • Develop CRM training with the purpose of driving behavioural change
  • Review all regulatory requirements for CRM training
  • Assess organizational requirements for CRM training
  • Identify the right training methods and techniques to use for different classes
  • Deliver a CRM presentation

Course Structure

CRM training regulatory requirements
Trainer qualifications
The adult learner
Preparing and planning your training
Training methods and techniques
Practical course delivery